Nebraska ELCA Human Trafficking Task Force
The goal of the task force is to address the resolution that was amended at the WELCA Ninth Triennial convention "Awareness and Prevention of Human Trafficking." We are charged with reviewing resources and helping the synodical organizations to promote resources that can help units to inform, educate, and mobilize their congregations and communities, through prayer, ministry and political action.
Memorial 1 - Awareness and Prevention of Human Trafficking
On the matter of awareness and prevention of human trafficking, the Memorials Committee recommended adoption of this resolution as amended (amendments are in bold).
RESOLVED, that each synodical board convene a committee, in which at least one but no more than half of committee members shall be board members. This committee shall be charged with reviewing resources and helping the synodical organization to promote resources that can help units to inform, educate, and mobilize their congregations and communities, through prayer, ministry and political action.
RESOLVED, that units use this committee and the resources they recommend to inform, educate, and mobilize their congregations and communities, through prayer, ministry and political action.
RESOLVED, that each synodical president report to the 2016 Conference of Presidents about how the recommended committee has functioned in her synodical women’s organization.
The convention voted: 314 aye, 41 no
Additional resources:
Additional information:
For additional blog articles and information, visit the Women of the ELCA website
For additional information and questions, contact anyone from the NSWO Human Trafficking Task Force: Barbara Fanning, chair; Phyllis Eriksen; Mary Mayfield; Nancy Johnson; Nancy Hinrichs; or Luanne Schwartzkopf, NSWO Vice President.